Mekill (DRG Dev)

Mekill (DRG Dev)

09 Jun

Hi Miners,
Today we gather to bid a heartfelt farewell to Troels Rodhe Jørgensen, the sound designer of Deep Rock Galactic, who has decided to embark on a new chapter in his career. Troels was one of the first hires for Ghost Ship Games more than 6 years ago and his mark on the game should not be underestimated!

From the moment you step foot into Deep Rock Galactic's cavernous depths, you're immediately engulfed in a rich tapestry of sound that transports you to an alien world. This immersive soundscape is the result of Troels’ meticulous craftsmanship as sound designer.
Troels has truly breathed life into the game's vast underground environments, ingeniously combining natural cave acoustics with futuristic technology.... Read more

01 Dec

Hello Miners,

2021 is soon coming to an end and we promised you an updated roadmap, so let’s get started!

First, we will have our yearly celebration of Yuletide on the SpaceRig. It will deliver the usual festivities, including an assignment which will reward you with some new hats! The event starts on December 14 and we will post more details at that time.

In January 2022, we will finally launch Deep Rock Galactic for PlayStation - both PS4 & PS5! This will be the latest version of the game, including all the Season 01 features and the Performance Pass. So make sure to poke your friends and tell them there are no more excuses for not hitting the mines! Be aware, t... Read more

28 Aug

Hi Everyone,

Mikkel Martin Pedersen here, back with another blog post! This time the topic is about what’s probably turned into one of the most iconic features of Deep Rock Galactic (DRG) - the ability to hit [V] and salute your fellow dwarves by raising your pickaxe in the air and shouting “ROCK AND STONE!”. The impact that little salute has had on the game, the community, and on us as developers is quite amazing. I’ll be bold and make the claim that “Rock and Stone” plays a big part in how we’ve succeeded in making a game that has generated one of the best, friendliest, and most non-toxic communities for any multiplayer game in our experience.

The idea for this Blog Post started forming right after our 1.0 launch of the game on May 13th 2020. During one of our Reddit AMA’s, a question cropped up several times: What was the story behind our now iconic “Rock and Stone”, and how did the idea form in the first place. After answering the question in the AMA, I started t... Read more

08 May

Hi Everyone, Mikkel Martin Pedersen here, Game Director of Deep Rock Galactic! The game will launch soon and along with it the second volume of the soundtrack - with more than 50 minutes of new synthy goodness!

To introduce the new soundtrack (and because I really want to!) I'll be telling you the story behind ... Read more

11 Oct

Hello Miners, words from the Game Director's table.
Mikkel Martin Pedersen, here. Time for a little development update on Deep Rock Galactic! It’s been a crazy two weeks since the launch of Update 25, and I think you deserve a little inside information on what’s going on. But first, let me take a moment to express my gratitude for your reception towards the Deep Dives and all the other new features that arrived in the Update. Thank you from the entire Ghost Ship Crew!

Forging the Endgame Work on what we call DRG’s Endgame has been ongoing for almost 5 months now - from core idea, to implementation, and launch. In fact, It’s always super scary to implement big new systems into a game loop that’s already been established. Update 25 was our biggest update to date, and to see it all in operation is an amazing feeling. We’ve observed ho... Read more